Supplier Management: Will your employees be your suppliers?
Supplier Relationship Management Balaji Ramakrishnan Supplier Relationship Management Balaji Ramakrishnan

Supplier Management: Will your employees be your suppliers?

One question every company would benefit from asking itself is whether its employees at some time in the future will want to become a supplier. With the advent of the gig economy this scenario is more likely as more and more jobs are likely to be contracted out. Who is better to contract new work to other than someone who previously had a track record performing for the company. Clearly a case can be made to hire former employees who were top performers to work as contractors in the future. But the question to ask would be - “How willing would these former employees be to come back to work at their old company as a contractor?”.

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Supplier Relationship Management a Forgotten Skill?
Supplier Relationship Management Balaji Ramakrishnan Supplier Relationship Management Balaji Ramakrishnan

Supplier Relationship Management a Forgotten Skill?

A lot has been written about relationships between people but not much is said about relationships between companies. It’s people who run businesses and if those people don’t have a relationship based on trust, then their interactions are purely transactional. A transactional relationship is contractual almost like the olden day barter system where a product or service is traded for money. It’s almost like buying a product on Amazon.

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